2024 was a very good year! I hope for you too. I don't know if these are my best photos from 2024, but it isn't the most important. Many of you have already discovered this small but very beautiful country, and I've been privileged to contribute something to help you take some good memories with you. And that's what matters most in this selection of 12 photos, which are mainly meant to remember some of the places and moments we visited during our photo tours and to celebrate this country that I love so much. I hope you enjoy them and that they help you to relive some good memories and perhaps make you want to come back one day. We'll be here waiting for you! Douro's river fog Of course we had to start with Porto, and one of its characteristics at certain times of the year is waking up with fog on the Douro river, which, let's face it, is an excellent way to start exploring unique photographic opportunities. Sunrise in Porto Another moment when the city of Porto has a special charm is at sunrise. Along this year, we have offered several moments to our guests (just a few, because getting up early sometimes doesn't work very well). The eastern part of the city, which is less touristy, is the ideal place to wait as the sun rises behind the nearby mountains. Sunset in Porto The sunset in Porto is such a magical moment that it has become a true icon for anyone visiting the city. Every day, countless people gather at the main viewpoints to watch the spectacle. The privilege of being here almost every day, allows us to choose other places that may not be as popular, but are particularly impressive. Douro
2024 was a very good year! I hope for you too. I don’t know if these are my best photos from 2024, but it isn’t the most important. Many of you have already discovered this small but very beautiful country, and I’ve been privileged to contribute something to help you take some good memories with you.
It was recently inaugurated what promises to be one of the great attractions in Portugal in 2021. The 516 Arouca Pedestrian Bridge, the largest suspension bridge in the world, integrated in the already famous Passadiços do Paiva, is a fantastic work that promises to attract the interest of many visitors. We went there and were impressed by the magnificent work of art set in a breathtaking landscape. It is worth taking some time not only to cross the bridge, but also to cover the 8 km of the Walkways along the Paiva River, considered the most beautiful in Portugal and one of the least polluted in Europe, where, in addition to countless places of extraordinary beauty, allows you to do some radical sports where Rafting stands out. This whole region is a wealth of photographic opportunities that Pictury Photo Tours is ready to explore with you. Let's Go!
It was recently inaugurated what promises to be one of the great attractions in Portugal in 2021. The 516 Arouca Pedestrian Bridge, the largest suspension bridge in the world, integrated in the already famous Passadiços do Paiva, is a fantastic work that promises to attract the interest of many visitors. We went there and were